Platform: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Vimeo, Dailymotion. Ask us for any platform that’s not listed here and we’ll create services for it.

Geographic targeting: Country, state, city & global.

Demographic targeting: Gender & age.

Options: Promotional text about your brand or product, include your provided image, company page @mentions, your provided link added.

Nano-influencer marketing, our most desired and unequalled service, is the gift that keeps on giving. Nano-Influencer marketing has risen in popularity in the last decade and that’s not without good reason. With return on investment rates of over 2200%, nano-influencer marketing is the most effective online marketing strategy available. Nano-influencer marketing, also known as friend-to-friend marketing, is praised by many and is considered to be the holy grail of online marketing. This is due to the fact that nano influencers have a much closer and stronger bond with their followers because all their followers are actually friends with which they have personal contact with on a daily basis. Nano-influencers are basically people with a moderate amount of friends on their social media accounts, recommending your product or service to their friends. You can see them as tiny ambassadors promoting your brand to their trusted friends which proves to be the most effective form of marketing known to men.

"Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend" - Mark Zuckerberg

Here at Buddy Marketing we’re constantly developing our nano-influencer marketing solutions to deliver the highest possible return on investment for our clients. Nano-influencer marketing is the foundation of all our services. Better yet, your marketing campaign can be narrowly targeted on gender, age, country, state, city and hobbies. Yes, this is real, let that sink in for a minute. We currently offer brand mentions, ongoing ambassadorships, sponsored content, product reviews and social media engagement all to be executed by our buddy marketers. Prevent getting beaten by your competition by missing out on influencer marketing and start your marketing campaign right away. Creating an company account in free and takes less then 30 seconds.
